This week we had a lot of fun with our theme, Pets, and the letter P. We learned that not only does the word pets start with p, but so do a lot of other words, such as princess, pirate, pig, pancakes, and the list goes on! Students got creative when painting and naming their pet rocks that they got to take home with them. Students told Mrs. Kendra and Mrs. Karen what their pet rocks like to eat, play, and what their rock's favorite color is. Students looked stunning in various shades of orange on Thursday since that was our color of the week. On Friday, the kiddos put their fine-motor skills to work with Mrs. Karen as they did some lacing with yarn through the letter P. Since we talked a lot about pets this week, Mrs. Kendra shared the creation story with students and they did an animal stamping activity to go along with it. We did not have a number of the week since we talked to the students about the number of pets they have at home. Next week they will learn the number 3! Enjoy this week's photos below!
Painting with orange water color.
Looking dapper in their orange!
Many students were willing to pose as a princess or a pirate for Mrs. Kendra.
Painting pet rocks.
Just one example of the snazzy pet rocks the kiddos painted and named!
Students enjoyed reading their first issue of My Big World and doing the activity on the back side with Mrs. Kendra.

Our stamping activity that went with the story of Creation.
Sorting doggy treats by color.
Lacing, a great fine-motor skill!
August 20th & 21st
F is for family, friends, footprint, and FUN! Which we had lots of this week in our classroom. Students did a wonderful job telling Mrs. Kendra and their friends about their families. Everyone's houses look great and are displayed in our classroom for all of the kiddos to see. Everyone looked great in the color red on Thursday, and students painted an adorable red bird. We topped it off with a feather because it, too, starts with F. Our number of the week was 2, which everyone knew when Mrs. Kendra asked them what number was on their paper. Mrs. Kendra & Mrs. Karen are so proud of what a wonderful job everyone does at sharing toys and taking turns. The class is awesome at lining up on the playground when it's time to come back inside, too. We love our great listeners! We are working on staying in our seats at snack time and not walking around with food still in our hands or in our mouth. It's amazing how we've only been in class for 4 days, but have learned so much!
A few of the kids let Mrs. Karen get their actual footprint, but for those who didn't, they got to paint a "footprint" with water colors.
One of the many beautiful red birds the students created.
Don't they look great in their red shirts?
Fine-motor skills at work!
Stamping the number 2, with the number 2.
Enjoying the beautiful weather and having fun with friends outside!
Our First 2 days of preschool!
Our first 2 days were spent getting to know our teachers, Mrs. Kendra & Mrs. Karen, and exploring all of the fun things there are to do in the classroom! Students made new friends, loved playing outside, enjoyed snack, and made some fun things with their teachers. The letter M was taught, along with the number 1. Our students are so smart, they all new the shape of the week which was a circle. This group of kiddos set the bar high on their first two days....they did AWESOME!