November 19th & 20th
We have so much to be thankful for at LAP. This week in our classroom, we had fun learning about Thanksgiving and talking about what we are thankful for. We also talked about all of the yummy Thanksgiving food that we love to eat!
The kiddos made some Thanksgiving decorations this week and brought home 2 issues of My Big World. One of them explained what a feast is. Feel free to reread those magazines at home with your little one. On Thursday, students created some little turkeys whose feathers spelled their names. I hope they find a special place for all of your family to see. And be sure to remind your little one to use his/her placemat at Thanksgiving dinner. :)
Students practiced writing this week's letter with Mrs. Kendra and they also tore tissue paper to make the letter T.
Mrs. Amy from Motion Studio stopped in on Thursday to have some fun with our students. She shared a fun book and got us moving! Thank you, Motion Studio!
The students used scissors with Mrs. Karen on Friday. They cut out a picture from a magazine of something delicious to eat. Then they glued it onto their dinner plate (Thanksgiving worksheet). They also had to cut out utensils and match them in the correct places. Mrs. Karen was so proud of how careful everyone was with their scissors!
Happy Thanksgiving from our LAP family to yours!
November 12th & 13th
It was great to be back in the classroom this week! I am so proud of how much the kiddos have learned while I've been away. I had new table-top centers for them when they came in on Thursday. The students do a great job looking for their spots.

We had a blast learning about dinosaurs this week.
Students learned the letter D this week. On Thursday, Mrs. Kendra helped them with writing that letter and finding it in a letter hunt. Everyone did a fabulous job looking for both capital and lowercase D's.
On Friday, students reviewed counting from 1 to 5 by doing a dot-to-dot paper with Mrs. Kendra. Once the dots were connected the students saw that they had made a T-rex!
Mrs. Karen helped the students make a fun dinosaur craft this week. Students painted the body of the dinosaur on Thursday so it would be dry for Friday. Then, on Friday, eyes, mouths, and legs were added. Thank you for sending in paper towel and toilet paper rolls for the legs. Their dins wouldn't have been able to stand without them. :) Mrs. Karen also helped students add plates to the back of a stegosaurus by using their handprints.
Rawring like a dinosaur!
Making his best dinosaur face. Fierce!
Mrs. Kendra read the kiddos a cute book that taught them how to say, "Hello" and "Good-bye" in dinosaur. If your child didn't tell you about this be sure to ask them if they know how to speak dinosaur.
Lastly, Mrs. Kendra shared a fun dinosaur video with the students where they learned dinosaurs' brains were the size of peas! Click here to listen to it at home with your child.
Mrs. Kendra brought in magic beans that turned into little dinosaurs!
November 5th & 6th
This week's letter was N. Students had fun making that letter out of noodles with Mrs. Karen & Mrs. Jaime on Thursday. Students also experienced painting with different types of food. The kiddos are getting to be amazing counters. The best part about counting is that you and your little one can count anything & count anywhere!
Sawyer & I popped in for a visit on picture day. Everyone looked their finest! I'll be back next week & I can't wait!