Students loved our theme this week, especially after the big snow we had the week before. We learned about ice, snow, and snowmen. The letter of the week was I and students practiced coloring by number on their issue of My Big World.
Everyone was so happy to see their friends after missing school because of the snow.
Learning the letter I.
Do you want to build a snowman?
The Mind-in-Motion room has some awesome new equipment!
Using medicine droppers to melt ice cubes. A fun fine-motor skill activity.
January 14th & 15th
This week students learned a lot about winter animals and animals that hibernate. We read two issues of My Big World in class, but hopefully you had a chance to reread them at home with your child to see what they learned. Students learned the letter B, and we practiced our 1-to-1 correspondence by counting & coloring winter objects on a worksheet with Mrs. Kendra. We even had a special visitor this week at LAP. His name was Mr. Noel and he taught the students some really cool martial arts moves. You can see all of our fun below!
Mrs. Karen painted the students' feet so we could make penguins out of their footprints. They're hanging on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.

Students began their New Year's resolutions project the week before, but they got them finished this week and they were sent home. Everyone wanted to learn something fun and interesting!
Not only did Mr. Noel teach the kiddos martial arts, they also learned how to count in Korean and to say a few other Korean words.
Mrs. Kendra had the students do a coloring sample for their binders. Before they began, Mrs. Kendra explained that she wanted them to try their hardest to do their very best coloring for her, and they did not disappoint! Several students were so proud of their coloring that they had a hard time leaving it behind for Mrs. Kendra to keep. I was so proud of everyone!
Students got some practice with scissors this week. They colored a picture, cut it into strips, and then reassembled it. They were excited to realize they made their very own puzzle!
Practicing 1-to-1 correspondence by pointing and counting the number given.
Working through a maze on the backside of an issue of My Big World.
January 7th & 8th
Two weeks ago our theme, was I'm Unique & Feelings. Students loved learning about their fingerprints and how no one has the same ones as them. We talked about the importance of being different and that the world would be a pretty boring place if we were all alike. We reviewed all of the letters we have learned so far this year by saying them and tracing them. Mrs. Kendra was out on Friday, so that's why there aren't many photos for this week, but I can assure you the students learned a lot and had a lot of fun, too!